In the last several years, I’ve made a radical shift in
philosophy. Rather than seeing children as people who need to learn a checklist
of skills by a certain time, I’ve begun seeing children as self-motivated
learners, capable of taking in information as they need it to make sense of
their world. This is mostly because I am a terrible student in traditional
means. If I have a question about why a plant in my garden is growing poorly,
or how to make my home computer network work together better, or how to
conjugate an irregular verb in Spanish, I’ll read heaps of books and credible
websites until my initial question is answered. Why would I be so egotistical
as to assume that my brain is somehow special? Why would anyone expect that
brains suddenly develop this capability at age eighteen or whenever compulsory
education ends? People don’t stop learning because they’re not in school;
people don’t stop learning, period. When was the last time someone sat down a
three-year-old and intentionally taught him the name of every dinosaur that
existed in the Jurassic Period, with flash cards and impromptu quizzes filling
any empty moments? Yet we insist on drilling children this same age with
letters and numbers, despite our information having less bearing on this child’s
life than a Protoceratops (at least in the cases where the adult drives this
exploration. For the sake of this entry, I’m writing about a child who sees no
need to read or write on his own, although there are many people who are driven
to read and write between three and five years or age, with or without
concerted adult guidance.) Children will read, write, count, and discover
mathematical functions as they see the need to in their lives, just as they
began to gesture, speak, and walk.
This isn’t to say I don’t still feel the pressure of
ensuring “adequacy” by these same checklists that are embedded in my brain. But
when children are ready, they do. My favorite example of this is a four year
old in my care who loved to paint, but did nothing with the materials but make
mixed-color brown-gray blob after mixed-color brown-gray blob. I tried to honor
the process and see the value, but I saw the blogs and writings of educators I
admired whose four-year-olds all seemed to be creating accurate depictions of
people, plants, and animals, and my four-year-old was creating heaps. Then…
Easter came. And this child who would not paint a representation just days
prior sat down and painted eight pages of patterned, distinctly colored Easter
eggs, and rabbits, and grass, and baskets. Because SHE wanted to represent the
excitement of the egg hunt, the love of being surrounded by her extended family
for the holiday, and the buckets of chocolate. Prior to making the connection
between a tangible representation of her excitement and the materials, she was
discovering important foundational skills. How to ensure an even coat of paint,
what happens when colors mix, what types of marks thick brushes make in
comparison to thin brushes, how much paint a piece of paper can take prior to
tearing, and on and on. Had she not discovered these independent steps, she
would have had no practical knowledge base with which to build the ovals and
circles and lines necessary to demonstrate her vision of Easter.
Every action leads to changes in the brain- i.e. learning. It is probably fair to say that most adults don't have the meta-cognitive ability to notice their own learning until it hits a critical mass- and I suspect the same is true as we observe children. The child who has been spinning in circles for weeks on the ground suddenly climbs on a jungle gym as if it were nothing; she was developing the proprioceptive skills necessary to climb, even if no one around her saw the connection. And yet, how often do adults try to stop these developmental activities because they appear at first glance to be meaningless? What if, instead of redirecting what a child is doing, we do our own research into what connections might be forming? What if we took those opportunities to extend their experimentation and give them vocabulary to describe what they're doing sometimes? What if we left them to their experiments as we would any other scientist, present but only intervening when there was a true hazard to the child?
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